My station  was close to the river. We had a lot of bad things happen there. So much so, I really had a hard time shaking one of those events. Besides counseling, I thought maybe some art might help. I dunno. Maybe not. She is breaching and her right claw is coming right at me. Her name is Salmon Elly and, as always, there is a back story. Oil

Some bees in a poppy in my garden. I love these poppies. They volunteered about 20 years ago when I removed part of my front yard to make  a vegetable garden. They are so beautiful. The bees love them! Oil.

Those of you who hike or bike the High Drive trails hopefuly recognize this! Balsam root and mock orange in full bloom. I put a weird-fiction spin on it because, frankly, there sometimes is a weird vibe there. A giant sleeping snake, a crying rock and a bitey slug log. Oil.

In 2002 (almost 20 years ago!) I really had a thing for the Tradewinds. I made T-shirts (pool staff) and other trinkets. This was actually my first attempt at any kind of painting and I had to do it on black velvet! Then I took the next 15 years off. Acrylic.  

My grandson Jack. He used to love dressing up like Alexander Hamilton. Here he is, calm and assured, as the volcano blows and a dinosaur needs rescuing. The usual Alexander Hamilton stuff. Acrylic.

Painted this for my friend (and sister firefighter) Joanna. She showed me a picture of a painting of birch trees that she liked. I took the look of the trees, but in the bark I placed iconic images from our station and the West Central Neighborhood. Joanna is paddleboarding and there is a brush fire heading her way! Acrylic.

Lovely flowers that my wife planted and maintains in our parking strip. The bees love them. Apparently, so does the occassional mini pteradon.  Acrylic