In April of 2021, I played a bunch of roles in the one-person play I Am My Own Wife. In an effort to understand the main character, Charlotte Von Mahlsdorf, I made a quick sketch of her. Jeremy Whittington, the art director at Stage Left Theater, liked the drawing and made it into the official poster.

I  made this pretty large painting of my friends as a gift for them. I channeled the Beach Boys' Endless Summer album.

Big old Buddha. I made this for Sarah. Cardboard, papier mache, clay, cement. Weighs a lot! I waterproofed it and it sits in the bamboo. I think it will probably detiorate and I am really looking forward to what that will look like.

Our house looking down the street. This is how I felt looking at the creamy orange iris. Something dark about looking down the street. The flower felt like a beacon, and my garden like a lifeboat.

Burke Idaho. Now a ghost town. Lots of shit going on here. A lot of it not very good. Alien probe Rover 5 makes an appearance too. Ghost towns tear me. I feel nostalgic for the lives lived there. But, I also mumble good riddance. These towns were at the epicenter of stealing land from the original inhabitants and they were also ground zero for many ecoolgical nightmares that still haunt us to this day. And there it is.